Shiv Parivar Ganesha Parvati Kartik Idol SHTS118

✔ Product Dimension: L x W x H (8 x 6.4 x 9.7)inches
✔ Product Weight: 4.9kg
✔ Shiv Parivar: Spiritual upliftment To get harmony and bliss at home To get health, wealth, and overall prosperity To get divine grace and blessing of Lord Shiva, Maa Parvati, Lord Ganesha, and Kartikeya
✔ Lord Shiva is the supreme God in Hinduism and his consort Parvati is the source of power. Son Kartikeya imparts bravery and Ganesh is the giver of wisdom, knowledge, and prosperity. Shiv is worshiped in the form of Shivling.