Parad (mercury) Lakshmi Ganesh Statue

Parad (Mercury) Laxmi Ganesh Statue
Total Weight Of Set :- 320 To 350 GM. Approx.
Ganesha is given dominion over the Ganas, which is a general term denoting all classes of beings,ranging from insects,animals and humans to the subtle and celestial beings.These various beings all contribute to the government of the Creation;everything from natural forces like storms and earthquakes,to the elemental qualities like fire and water,to functioning of the body's organs and processes.If we don't honor the Ganas,then our every action is a form of thievery,as it is unsanctioned.Therefore,instead of propitiating each Gana in order to receive their blessings, we bow to their Lord,Sri Ganesha.By receiving His grace,we receive the grace of all.He removes any potential obstacles and enables our endeavors to succeed.
Goddess Mahalakshmi appeared during the churning of the ocean,seated on a Lotus flower.This pleased the Devas to such an extent that they started reciting the Sri Suktham,a powerful hymn in favour of Goddess Lakshmi.All the Gandharvas bowed their head in obeisance to the Goddess.The Apsaras danced merrily to welcome Goddess Mahalakshmi.All the sacred rivers led by the holy Ganges surrounded Goddess Mahalakshmi so that she could bathe in their water.Eight elephants surrounded the Goddess with golden kalashes in their trunks and performed her abhishekam.The enamoured ocean king offered the Goddess a Lotus that would never wilt.The divine architect Vishwakarma appeared within no time anointing the Goddess with gold ornaments. Even as the Devas were watching the events with rapt attention,Goddess Mahalakshmi entered the heart of Lord Sriman Narayanamurthy.The Devas chorused on witnessing the splendid event.Both Lord Narayana and Goddess Lakshmi presented themselves before the Devas in all their glory.